- The Whereby team
Embed element location change
The location where the <whereby-embed> element is hosted has now changed📍
This means any Whereby Embedded customer that is using the whereby-embed element should use the new location from now on. To learn more, see the updated documentation on this: https://whereby.dev/embed/
Note: If you are using <iframe> to embed video meetings, nothing needs changing.
How will this affect you?
If you're currently using the whereby-embed element, there's a chance you won't get updates in the future if you don't move to the new location.
The previous whereby.dev/embed/whereby-embed.js version will continue to work and be hosted where it is.
By moving to the new embed location you'll be sure to get the latest updates going forward.
The new location is the same code (no changes now) and will be fully backwards compatible always.
Thanks for reading - have a great week! 🙂